Education for Ministry (EfM)
Trinity Episcopal Church added the Education for Ministry (EfM) program to the Christian Education Program in 2012. EfM is a four-year extension program for lay people developed by the School of Theology of the University of the South. In the context of the weekly seminar group, led by a trained mentor, participants study scripture, church history, and theology, as well as engage in a process of theological reflection.
This process of intense Christian formation works toward the goal of helping people nurture and deepen an informed faith. By examining their own beliefs and their relationship to our culture and the tradition of our Christian faith, participants can learn what it means to be effective ministers in the world.
Trinity's EfM group has six members and meets weekly throughout the academic year under the guidance of mentor Cathy Cowling.
To learn more about EfM vist the University of Sewanee's website dedicated to the program: